Autumn in Kansai (September to November)

Temperature and Clothing

Temperatures range from about 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.
It will be cooler, but the days may still be warm. A light jacket or sweater is all that is needed.

Takeda Castle Ruins (Castle in the Sky) (Hyogo)

The ruins of Takeda Castle are located at the top of Furushiroyama.
You can enjoy the fantastic sight of a "castle in the sky" floating in a sea of clouds.
If various conditions coincide in the early morning hours between September and November, you can see a sea of clouds.
There is also a hiking route to the summit.

Streets of Izushi (Toyooka)

Izushi is a historic town. The streets are reminiscent of the Edo period and are designated as a nationally important preservation district for groups of traditional buildings. Must-try attractions include Izushi Eirakukan, the oldest playhouse in Hyogo Prefecture, the clock tower that is the symbol of Izushi, and Izushi soba, a local dish of soba noodles served on five small Izushi-yaki plates.

Arima Onsen (Hyogo)

Arima Onsen is famous as an old hot spring resort.
There are two types of hot springs, "Kinsen" (gold spring) and "Ginsen" (silver spring), and you can go around the hot springs wearing a yukata.
The hot spring town is lined with delicious restaurants and souvenir shops, and you can enjoy the charming townscape.

Mount Koya

There are many shrines and temples in and around Mount Koya that are registered as World Heritage Sites.
There are also buses that take you around these areas. Enjoy the beautiful scenery colored in autumn colors.

Horyuji Temple (Nara)

Built in 607, the historic Horyuji Temple is the world's oldest wooden building and a World Heritage Site.
It is a historical spot with many national treasures and important cultural properties.
There are cosmos fields nearby, and we also recommend renting a bicycle at the station.

Kurashiki (Okayama)

The Kurashiki Bikan Historical District is a historic highway and an important cultural property that still retains strong traces of its history as a prosperous merchant town.
Nearby, in this quaint town surrounded by historical buildings, is the Ohara Museum of Art, which has a collection of European masterpieces, as well as a number of cafes and restaurants, making it a place with plenty to see.

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