Capsule hotels are popular with foreign tourists

Recently, it seems that foreign tourists visiting Japan are increasingly using capsule hotels in addition to hotels and inns.

Reasonably priced accommodation!
The relatively low price per night makes it appealing to travelers and backpackers on a budget.

Easy access
Many capsule hotels are conveniently located in the city center, making them easy to access and saving you time when traveling.

Safe and clean
Japanese capsule hotels are popular because they are safe and clean.

However, there seem to be some issues, such as privacy issues, noise issues, and having to wait when the shared areas (showers and toilets) are crowded.

Depending on the capsule hotel, there may be private shower rooms or women-only floors, and the services offered may also vary, so to make your stay more comfortable, it's a good idea to research in advance which capsule hotel best suits your plans and style.

Depending on the time of year and location, some capsule hotels can be difficult to book, so we recommend making your reservation as early as possible.

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