"White Day" - What is the unique Japanese culture?

Do you know about White Day?
Valentine's Day is known all over the world, but White Day is a uniquely Japanese culture!
"Why do we have White Day?"
"What should I give?"
For all the foreigners who have such questions, and for the Japanese people who want to know more, today we will introduce the meaning of White Day and some interesting cultural differences.

What is White Day?
White Day is the day to return gifts for Valentine's Day, which falls on March 14th.
In Japan, it's common for women to give men chocolates on Valentine's Day, right? One month later, on White Day, men give women presents to express their gratitude!
However, if you're wondering, "Is White Day a thing around the world?", it's actually a culture unique to Japan!

What to give as a White Day gift?
Did you know that each gift given on White Day has a different meaning?
Candy → "I love you!"
marshmallow → "I'm sorry... (gently decline)"
cookie → "Let's stay friends!"

In other words… “Candy for those you care about!”
"Friends get cookies!"
"If it's not your favorite, then marshmallow...?"
What a culture it was! (However, not many people care that much about it these days. Recently, in addition to sweets, accessories, hand creams, and stylish teas have also become popular.

Japan vs. the World! What's the difference between White Day?
White Day is a culture unique to Japan, but it seems to have spread to some Asian countries such as Korea, China, and Taiwan.
However, there is no custom of "White Day" in Europe, the United States, or other countries.

What about Valentine's Day in the West?
→ A day for both men and women to "give gifts to their loved ones"!
It is common for men to give gifts to women, but women can also give gifts!
In addition to chocolate, many people give gifts such as flowers, jewelry, and dinners.

Is Japan's Valentine's and White Day culture too unique?
→ The rule that "women give chocolate to men" and "men give a return gift one month later" seems a little strange to foreigners!

In fact, foreigners who came to Japan
"I didn't even know there was a White Day!"
"Why pay me back after a month? Why not right away?"
"It's interesting that it has the meaning of a return gift!"
There are many surprising things to learn!

Is White Day a uniquely Japanese "culture of compassion"?
White Day is a uniquely Japanese custom of returning gifts on Valentine's Day.
The background to this is the uniquely Japanese culture of expressing gratitude and valuing courtesy.
Recently, rather than thinking, "It's White Day, so I have to give a gift!", more and more people are enjoying it as a day to express their gratitude for everyday things.

Why not tell your loved ones "thank you" on White Day?

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