Let's read the news in Japanese!

For those studying Japanese, I'm sure there are many who are searching for a way to make their daily study of Japanese fun and effective.
Today, I would like to introduce to you a website where you can learn about Japanese society and culture while studying Japanese language.

it is,NHK News Web EasyThis is the site.

Why is NHK News Web Easy recommended?
[Written in simple Japanese

NHK News Web Easy provides regular news in simple Japanese. It uses few difficult words and technical terms, making it easy for learners to understand.
【【It has furigana
Even if you are not confident in how to read kanji, don't worry. All kanji are accompanied by furigana, so you can check the reading as you go.
【【Learn the latest news
Through the latest news updated daily, you can not only improve your Japanese language skills but also learn about Japanese society and culture. Kill two birds with one stone!
【【You can also practice listening
Some news stories come with audio, making them ideal for listening practice. You can check your pronunciation and intonation while listening to the news.

Specific usage methods
【【Read one article every day
Try reading one article every day. Even if it's just for a short time, it's important to keep doing it.
【【Take note of new words
If you come across a word you don't know while reading an article, make a note of it and review it later. Learning words in a natural context will help you remember them more easily.
【【Listen to the audio and shadow
Articles with audio can be used to practice shadowing. By listening to the audio and pronouncing the words in the same way, you can improve your listening and speaking skills.

After work,
After school is over,
In between housework,
Studying is hard, but try to keep at it, even if it's just a little bit every day!
We support your efforts!

Clover Academy is"PLATCLOVER-NOTE" is a Japanese language learning app for Japanese language learners.Developed!!
For more information or questions about the app, please visit this site.Contact pagePlease contact us.

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